Mission Vission


Kurnool Medical College is whose purpose is to educate physicians, Surgeons, public health specialists, and other healthcare professionals, and to conduct biomedical and population-based research. Through its faculty and General Hospital clinical partners, the College provides service to its community in an atmosphere of excellence, and professionalism. Kurnool Medical College believes that the rich diversity of its student body and faculty is important to its mission of educating outstanding health care professionals for the multicultural world of the 21st century.


The College will continue to be one of the foremost medical College in the state offering an educational program leading to the M.D,P.G, degree, and other health professions. With its wide spectrum of hospital and teaching affiliates, Kurnool Medical College provides excellent educational, research, specialty and primary care opportunities throughout the Rayalaseema region and some parts of Telangana and Karnataka states.


The College will:

Advance health care through cutting edge basic, clinical and population based research leading to improved scientific knowledge;

Be a leader in translational research discoveries to improve treatment and prevention of disease;

Promote excellence in the education of health care professionals through research in medical education.

Clinical Care

The College will:

With its clinical affiliates, provide outstanding clinical care and service to the community;

Incorporate the latest advances in medical knowledge into health care practices;

Improve patient care at our clinical affiliates through advances in education and research.